Products are meant to fit with channels, based on your size.

Gaurav Chandrashekar

Jan 31, 2024

Products are meant to fit with channels, based on your size.

I wish I had thought about channels in more depth when building products.

Each channel has a responsiveness and volume/exposure factor to it.

1. Early stage companies can experiment to essentially pick one channel, where you get 80% of your growth, ie power law. FB in college campusus, as eg.

2. Scale stage companies then pick another channel up based on what gives them more volume and responsiveness, keeping cost and precision of targeting in mind. Substack, via Twitter & Medium.

3. If you make it to this juggernaut/extract stage, you end up dominating the high volume channels, ie SEO. Classic eg: W3Schools which continues to shows up for anything HTML learning related (not a fan!!!)

Do you have examples to share?