Finding your differentiation is simple, but not easy.

Gaurav Chandrashekar
Feb 6, 2024
Finding your differentiation is simple, but not easy.
Often when your prospects come to you and ask, "So how are you different from [insert competition name X], you answer, "We are"
1. The cheapest.
2. The highest quality.
3. The most convenient.
4. The safest.
5. Sell a proprietary product.
6. Sell something that makes people feel great about buying.
7. Focus on a niche underserved market.
But this is not what your prospect is looking for on the get go.
Almost always, first, they need to have a common understanding of the category in which you operate and just need listening to their problems, so you can then figure out the language in which they operate, before you talk about where you differentiate.